How to fix mobile hang problem Friends, if you used a smart phone, you must have faced a mobile hang problem at some time or you may have seen your mobile hangs many times, so you do not know why your mobile hang. What is the reason for mobile phone hanging and how can it be fixed? There are many reasons why a smart phone hangs, there is less RAM in the mobile, less internal storage, virus attack etc. So in this article we give you some tips that follows and you can fix hang problem in your mobile. Also those reasons that make mobile hang . Although it is common to have a smart phone hang, almost every smart phone hangs, but you have seen that when we get a new phone, our mobile phone does not hang at all that time and neither does it slow down but as we do install and use different types of mobile apps, then our phone gradually becomes slow and the mobile phone starts to hang, then what is the reason that causes our phone to hang and what should we do ...